Post-Operative Instructions Following Root Canal Therapy


Your tooth may be sore for a few days after treatment. Usually Ibuprofen or Tylenol will reduce your pain. Try not to bite on the tooth until you have a permanent filling placed. If the pain is more than ibuprofen or its equivalent will handle, please call our clinic for an evaluation. Dr. Shackleton may prescribe additional medication to manage your pain. Your pain should resolve in 2-3 weeks.

Sometimes the gums and cheek adjacent to your tooth will swell. If this is the case, please contact our clinic immediately.

Endodontic Surgery (Apicoectomy)


The procedure involves cleaning at the ends of the root and sealing them in order to help adjacent tissues heal.  An incision is made along the gum line to gain access to the root tips.  If a cyst, abscess or other diseased tissue is present, it is removed and biopsied.  A few sutures are placed after the procedure, which will be removed a few days later.  The procedure is done using local anesthetic.  Some people may prefer to have someone give them a ride home after surgery.

Post-Operative Instructions Following Apicoectomy


Minimal activity is advised for 48 hours following apical surgery.

DO NOT lift or unnecessarily move your lip and eat soft foods for 48 hours after surgery.

Alternating Ibuprofen and Tylenol every 3 hours will often adequately manage any pain you experience following apical surgery.

Continue toothbrushing and flossing with the following exceptions:

No alcohol or smoking for 48 hours after surgery.

What to Expect Following Apical Surgery

Discomfort: You may have some discomfort but severe pain seldom occurs.

Swelling: You may notice slight facial swelling for 3-5 days.

Bruising: You may have some bruising around the mouth and jaw.

Numbness: You may experience numbness in the operated area for a few days. The gums in the surgical area may feel slightly different for a few months to finger pressure.

Instructions For Patients Following Surgical Biopsy


It may be important that you reduce strenuous activity directly following surgery and increase as tolerated over the next few days.

Some bleeding may be common and can persist for a day or two. Bleeding may also occur if sutures come out early, this is not unusual. If excessive or prolonged bleeding continues, place a gauze or tea bag on the bleeding site for 30 minutes. Rest and avoid physical activity if this occurs. If bleeding continues for more that a day or two please contact our clinic at 403-242-9952.

Do not rinse heavily for the first day after surgery. This may disrupt the wound and place unnecessary pressure on the sutures. On day two after surgery, gently rinse after meals with lukewarm water or the provided anti-bacterial rinse. You may carefully brush your teeth but avoid touching biopsy site with the toothbrush.

Swelling may occur after surgery and of reaches a maximum at about 48 hours. Applying an ice pack to the area on and off every 30 minutes for the first two days can help reduce swelling.

Drink only liquids until the numbness from the anesthesia wears off and then eat soft foods for a few days afterwards. Some foods may cause irritation to the tissue at the biopsy site, you may want to avoid spicy, hot or acidic foods for the first two days following your biopsy.

Instructions Following Extraction And Bone Graft


It is important that you do not brush the area of surgery for 1 week. Use the rinse provided twice a day for 30 seconds when brushing the rest of your teeth.

Eat soft foods for the first two days, do not smoke or drink through a straw for the two days following your extraction.

You may have moderate pain after surgery, 400mg of Ibuproen (Advil or Motrin) should control this. If it becomes more severe please contact our clinic at 403-242-9952.

You need to book a follow up appointment 3-4 weeks following surgery to have your sutures removed and for Dr. Shackleton to examine the area.

If you have any questions or concerns after clinic please contact our clinic.